Want a Free Studio Space?


Hey Melbourne based Good Good Girls, we have a public service announcement about a sweet scholarship that may make life easier for any creative trying to strike out on their own. 

Magic Johnston Arts & Cultural Complex is a super cool collective of artists, writers, fashion designers, illustrators, jewellers, architects, composers and other creatives in Collingwood. Right next door to Everyday Coffee—the supplier of the strongest black coffee in town—they’re home to many desk and the interesting brains that rent them out to make epic work.

Now in their third year, they’re celebrating their birthday by handing out their 2016 Arts Scholarship. Established to preserve the creative heartbeat of Collingwood and support the next wave of Northside legends, the Junior Johnston’s Hall Pass was created to help rad kids live their rad dreams.

Receiving the pass means….

  • Three month’s rent free on a desk space at Magic Johnston
  • Guidance and assistance from the notable residents of the Magic Johnston community
  • Marketing advice and assistance
  • Access to our in-house photography studio, exhibition space and meeting room
  • High speed internet, heating, security swipe access, desk, fixtures and utilities are all provided free of charge

The scholarship is open to all disciplines, but applications close at the end of this month so stop reading this right now and apply!


Still here? Okay whatever, I’m sure a few extra minutes won’t hurt. Why not peruse this selection of shots of the space and pictures we stole off the internet of cool creative ladies in movies.

Communal Vibes Creative Studios Desk Living gho030ci iris large the_royal_tenenbaums_022 the-big-lebowski-blu-ray-clip-01 tumblr_lqa1hsDk6F1qj3a8no1_1280 Young Adult




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